Clearview Disability Resource Center
Contact Us
1114 SW Frazer Ave
Pendleton, OR 97801
1-866-263-5935 (toll free)
1-866-998-1972 (fax)
To apply for a position with Clearview, please download the file below, complete the application, then email, fax, mail or bring to our office at
1114 SW Frazer Ave, Pendleton, fax # 1-866-998-1972, email - clearviewoffice23@gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest with clearview
Local Supporters:
Pendleton Foundation Trust - http://www.pendletonfoundationtrust.com/
Wildhorse Foundation - http://www.wildhorseresort.com/footer/foundation.htm
3. Umatilla/Morrow United Way - http://www.umatillamorrowunitedway.org/
4. Greater Oregon Behavioral Health
5. Umatilla County Special Transportation Fund
6. Christopher & Dana Reeves Foundation www.christopherreeve.org/
7. Blue Mountain Community Foundation www.bluemountainfoundation.org/
Thank you Oregon Public Purchasers Association for honoring us in your 2017 convention.